Temple Infant & Child Laboratory | For Students
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For Students

Are you interested in working at the Infant and Child Lab?  


Prospective Graduate Students – The Temple University Infant and Child Lab provides many diverse opportunities for graduate students. Research on cognitive development in children up to 10 years old is on-going year round. We are lucky to have a large research space and wonderfully kind, receptive parents who are interested in helping further our studies. If you have questions about applying to Temple’s Developmental program to work with either Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek or Dr. Nora Newcombe, feel free to contact any of the current students in the lab with questions or concerns, or visit the Developmental Program homepage. Students may also apply to the Brain and Cognitive Sciences (BCS) department. For more information concerning the application process to the Developmental Psychology Doctoral program, please click here.


Temple Undergraduate Students – Temple undergraduate students have the opportunity to work at the lab for course credit (course # 3791 or 3891). As a research assistant, you will learn about all of the lab’s ongoing studies on language, spatial development, memory, and play. You can meet children, help with the lab’s participant recruitment, and learn how to code children’s responses. Working in the lab is a great way to see psychological research in action. It is a chance to learn how studies are created and run. If you are interested in exploring developmental research by working in the Infant and Child Lab, please fill out our intern application. If you have any questions, please e-mail Michelle Harmon at michelle.harmon@temple.edu.


Undergraduate Students from other Universities – Research assistant opportunities are also available to students outside Temple University! If you are interested in working as a volunteer or intern, please see the Intern and Job Opportunities link for available positions. If you are interested in working as a research volunteer during the academic year, please feel free to contact us!